They say one of the hardest things in life is saying goodbye. Assignment six is rounding out the end of the semester as we prepare to go into break. And it was a great project to round things out.

My group and I created an HTML presentation with a voiceover narrative. The new blank repository to start the project was created by Brynna. We cloned the base reposiroty and then changed the remote url of the repository. Then Brynna added Erin and I as collaborators.

We all worked together to gather the research on our topic and put the information into a Google Doc so that we could share the information with each other. However, while working to share information, we each took ownership of one third of the presentation. I took ownership of setting up the universe, Erin delved a bit deeper into reinforcement learning, and Brynna illustrated the real-world examples about how neural networks and machine learing show up in our day-to-day lives. Ensuring that the script was written correctly and that all of the material turned out correct was a group effort. It’s when one is working with delicate codes such as this that it is best to have extra pairs of eyes looking it over.

I felt like this was an opportunity to apply so much of what has been learned this semester. While there weren’t any major lightbulbs, there were plenty of little ones. For example, realizing that commenting out in HTML is different than in markdown was hugely important, though it was a relatively easy thing to figure out.

The greatest challenge to this assignment was creating the initial presentation and putting in the audio. At first we had slides that held old audio that we did not want to have in our presentation and it took some time to figure that out. Another challenge for us was having the presentation look how we wanted. We had speaker notes that would appear on our actual presentation.

Some of the major skills that we built off of to be able to complete this project was learning how to create scripts, writing in markdown, and using pandoc to convert documents. These were the core areas of building our actual presentation.

I’m so excited for the next presentation I get to make. Whether it’s in a class I take before graduation or in a presentation I make as a full-time employee, I know being able to have this unique set of skills will set my presentations apart and keep my audience interested. As I continue to practice on my own, it’s my hope that I can even create presentations like the one we saw about the Gettysburg Address.

Below you’ll find a link to the presentaiton: